Stove Beat Meatloaf


Stove Beat Meatloaf


1 bundle Stove Beat stuffing (utilize one of your favorite flavors, I lean toward chicken, but herbed savory is nice too!)
1 container of hot water
2 bundles of brown sauce blend (one for the interior of the meatloaf and one for the top)
1.5 lbs ground beef
1 glass cold water
2 huge eggs, beaten

How To Create Stove Best Meatloaf

In a medium bowl, include the stuffing blend and 1 glass of hot water.

Let stuffing sit for 5 minutes.
In the mean time, in another medium bowl, blend 1 bundle of brown sauce with 1 container of cold water.


Include ground hamburger and egg, blend well (most straightforward to do along with your hands, it’s net, I know).
After the stuffing has rested for 5 minutes, blend the stuffing blend into the ground meat mixture.

Oil a bundt skillet with non-stick splash, at that point press the ground hamburger blend into the pan.
Heat at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes or until the interior is not pink.

Once heated, let rest for approximately 5 minutes, at that point modify the skillet onto a plate.
Serve with squashed potatoes and brown sauce within the center of the meatloaf.

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