Soupe potatoes and chicken

Soupe potatoes and chicken
1 white cabbage
6 chicken fillets
3 carrots
12 thin-skinned potatoes
1 leek
2 chicken stock cubes
64g additional virgin olive oil
2 onions
1 clove
salt pepper
Wash the vegetables at that point peel them, but the potatoes.
Fry the chicken in an oiled broiling dish for a quarter of an hour until browned. Once it is brilliant brown, cut it into little pieces and set aside.
Then coat a expansive pot with oil and bring to the fire.Sauté the peeled and cut onions for 5 minutes, blending regularly.
Add the cabbage cut into strips, the diced carrots and the leek into rings, at that point include a squeeze of salt and pepper.
Steam the entire thing for 5 minutes, blending occasionally.
Prick a potato with the clove, and pour the remaining amount over the vegetables. Cover everything with water up to 3 cm over the vegetables at that point include the stock 3d shapes.
Bring to a bubble, and stew over moo warm for 30 minutes. Mix.
Add the chicken pieces and cook for 10 minutes. At the conclusion of cooking, taste, at that point alter the flavoring concurring to your taste.